Medieval Chess Set Pre-Release

We are excited to announce that we are working with a new artist, John Ridley, on a printable Medieval themed Paper Miniature Chess set.
The Pre-Release version is available now only on Patreon and includes 8 miniatures.
The Full-Release version should be ready around the beginning of August and will include colour variations, virtual tabletop tokens and a battlemap chessboard by Neil Que.
The set will also include the necessary miniatures and rules to play the traditional Japanese chess variant game called Shogi, which adds piece promotion and the redeployment of captured pieces to the game.
This set is the first of what we hope to be a series of printable chess compatible paper miniature sets.
Our Patrons in June and July have access to the Pre-Release version of the set and will get a copy of the finished set when it’s ready, which we plan to release on DriveThruRPG.